Sunday, January 27, 2008

Play to win, part 3

A week ago I told you about a contest through a group I am apart of "Etsy Greeting." We are celebrating our one year anniversary. You can help us out by participating in our 1year count down contest.

As the first two contests have come to an end, the third contest is up and running. You can find details for the contest

Best of luck to all that dare to enter (smile).

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Play to Win...

Unfortunately I am not speaking of the LOTTERY, but something better!!!!

Help the EtsyGreetings Team commemorate its' one (1) year anniversary. We are hosting a countdown contest.

The first contest drawing ended yesterday...but you still have time! New contest activities will be posted a couple of times each week leading up to a GRAND PRIZE contest on our big day, February 14th. Here's the path to great winnings: >click here<

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Esty Greetings!!!! Congrats on your one year anniversary and thanks to all the creative talent that participate in the group!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Indie Collective...

Q. What is indie collective?
A. Indie Collective is a collective of independently-owned businesses which showcases artists, artisans, designers & many other facets of the creative arts community.

Q. What types of businesses can I find there?
A. Accessory, apparel, art work, home goods, paper goods, services and more!

Q. Is a~iek paper goods & design listed there?
A. We are indeed!

Q. Does anyone at a~iek work for Indie Collective?
A. No, but it doesn't hurt to promote one's work and the great people behind promoting others work. You can find out more about the folks behind Indie Collective by visiting the
site or clicking here.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Organization 101.5

This weekend was all about organizing my studio. For the most part I am a pretty organized person, it’s more so when I start experimenting with material I place things in the fastest place possible – which in the end leads to disorganization.

I thought about purchasing some organizing items: posting boards, canisters, etc. but haven’t yet due to lack of interest in the items I’ve seen. For me coordination is also a part of organization (did that come out right). I need to find the perfect colors – and accessorize supplies. Not to mention items need to be of the perfect fit!

Overall I believe I did I good job organizing with what I have. I’d say I could do more – but for now it’s a good start!

…that is until later this week
Read about how fellow Etsy members organize their work space here

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Treasury @

Thanks to winemakerssister for the link on the Esty Treasury Shop she set up in honor of Universal Letter Writing Week. Also thanks to all the Etsy Greeting Group members that were so inspired to write in honor of the week - not to mention those that inspired me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Universal Letter Writing Week

"Gorge" Note Set, 4.25"X5.5" (3)

As most weeks are devoted to text messaging, this week is designated as Universal Letter Writing Week. Each year, one week in January is designated as Universal Letter Writing Week.

Take a moment this week and send a letter. Go old school - letters are a great way to get in touch with someone you haven’t talked to in a while or just to send a simple hello.

Although I am guilty of not writing letters, I enjoy when my dad sends me a letter of remembrance (he’s still old school – gotta love your dad). I’d especially die (figuratively) for a four page tasty or heart filled letter from someone (seriously, I wouldn’t mind a one pager – it’s more of the thought that counts)!

I think we tend to take advantage of email and the telephone – not to mention we can push a key to send text messages via the telephone and im. I sometimes wonder is this fast paced world getting a bit ridiculous. I also often get annoyed when someone sends me a text message in regards to going out! Where’d that all come from? Who on earth does that? How about sending me a small note or letter!

In closing, a simple letter or small note always sends a smile. Try it! Who knows you may get something in return.

Feel inspired to send a note but not sure where to start? Try
Etsy Greetings – you’ll be amazed by what you find.

"Thinking of You," Gocco Printed Note Card 4.25"X5.5"

Monday, January 7, 2008

Pondering on New Years Resolutions

…after the New Year has begun.

I was sitting here thinking about what to blog about today. As I am not so good with the A.M…yawn (or blogging). So I started thinking about New Year’s resolutions – yes, after the New Year has already started. I usually don’t make new years resolutions because I believe they turn out to be no-year-resolutions! So as I was sitting here I came up with a few resolutions. Of course these are all things I should be doing. I guess I am thinking it will help to write them down as I do most things (not). So here goes:

3. Get more rest at night

2. Exercise (make my gym membership useful - ouch)

1. Cut down on Starbucks

Of course I could find more to “resolute” but why play myself this early in the game? I’ll start off short and see what I can accomplish…but for now I think I’ll grab a soy vanilla latte!

1. Cut down on Starbucks


“happiness is…”

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Well we made it through the first non-full week of 2008. To make the some-what half of week crazy was the weather....burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

btw...Happy New Years to everyone!!! I hope everyone has a safe and ejoyable weekend.
