Monday, January 7, 2008

Pondering on New Years Resolutions

…after the New Year has begun.

I was sitting here thinking about what to blog about today. As I am not so good with the A.M…yawn (or blogging). So I started thinking about New Year’s resolutions – yes, after the New Year has already started. I usually don’t make new years resolutions because I believe they turn out to be no-year-resolutions! So as I was sitting here I came up with a few resolutions. Of course these are all things I should be doing. I guess I am thinking it will help to write them down as I do most things (not). So here goes:

3. Get more rest at night

2. Exercise (make my gym membership useful - ouch)

1. Cut down on Starbucks

Of course I could find more to “resolute” but why play myself this early in the game? I’ll start off short and see what I can accomplish…but for now I think I’ll grab a soy vanilla latte!

1. Cut down on Starbucks


“happiness is…”

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